Florence nightingale environmental theory essay - Florence Nightingale - Environmental Theory - Nurseslabs
May 02, · View and download florence nightingale essays examples. Also Florence Nightingale 's Environmental Theory is a patient care theory.
Her performance was so impressive that her employer promoted her to superintendent of the Institute for the Care of Sick Gentlewomen in Renaissance art research paper. In when, Sidney Herbert, Secretary at War looked for someone to take charge of nurses who were desperately needed for the troops in the Crimea, he turned to her Encylopedia Britannica, Encylopedia Britannica Online, The hospital was in horrid condition.
Sitting on top of a large cesspool, it contaminated the water and building itself. Even with rodents and bugs scurrying around them, Florence stamina was extraordinary. When a fresh intake of wounded arrived she was on her feet for twenty hours at a stretch.
Based on her observations of the poor conditions of the hospital in the Crimea, Florence essay on vaccines Notes on Matters Affecting the Health, Efficiency and Hospital Administration of the British Army Clendening History of Medicine Library, Universityof Kansas Medical Center. Page 2 Florence Nightingale Essay The book made a spark and led to the establishment orem's theory essay a Royal Commission for the Health of the Army in These achievements were made in spite of having no public position, making no public appearances, and for the last 40 years of her life barley leaving her room.
Having contracted a severe fever in the Crimea.
By she was completely blind as well as house bound. Civil War, she consulted on how to best manage field hospitals. Florence also served as authority on public sanitation issues in India despite never being there.
They are defined in relationship to their environment and the impact of the environment upon them. Environment The physical environment is stressed by Nightingale in her writing.
She believed that nursing should provide care to the healthy as well as the ill and discussed health promotion as an activity in which nurses should engage. Once insure that the air is stagnant and sickness is certain to follow.
The importance of room temperature was also stressed by Nightingale.
The patient should not be too warm or too cold. The temperature could be controlled by appropriate balance between burning fires and ventilation from windows.
Light Nightingale believed that second to fresh air, the sick needed light. She noted that direct sunlight was what patients wanted.
Noise She stated that patients should never be waked intentionally or accidentally during the first part of sleep. She asserted that whispered or long conversations about patients are thoughtless and cruel.
Environmental Theory
Essay map worksheet viewed unnecessary noise, including noise from female dress, as cruel and irritating to the patient. Variety She discussed the need for changes in color and form, including bringing the patient brightly colored flowers or plants. She also advocated rotating 10 or 12 paintings and engravings each day, week, or month to provide variety for the patient.
Nightingale also advocated reading, needlework, writing, and cleaning as activities to relieve the sick of boredom.