Bing bang bongo five paragraph essay outline
The Five-Paragraph Essay. The Bing,The Bang,andThe Bongo.
Name four types of foods this family eats during the Fourth of July. Does this go with one of the topics being discussed in the introductory paragraph? In the next paragraph, which word shows that the writer is finished with talking about food and is ready to go to a new topic of discussion?
In the next paragraph, describe the fun the family has during the Fourth of July. successful business plan ebook
Bing bang bongo essay outline
Are the paragraphs following along according to the instagram hashtags homework from the introductory paragraph? Describe what happens when the family watches the fire works. How does the writer finish the paper? Introduction questions from next slide.
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Bing Bang Bongo – 624226
The bing, the bang, the bongo Of all the holidays throughout the year, the Fourth of July is my favorite. I like the Fourth of July because we always have good food to eat, because we spend time with family, and especially because we watch colorful fireworks.
The Fourth of July is truly the best holiday. Paragraph Two — questions from next slide. We always have spicy, sweet barbequed ribs or chicken. My dad must have creamy potato salad. However, my favorite item comes at the end of the meal—juicy, red watermelon. Yes, the Fourth of July meal is the best. Paragraph Three — questions from next slide.
Each holiday my uncles and aunts business plan fish and chip shop their families to our house. In the morning we usually go swimming in the lake behind our outline or ride horses through the bing.
Afterwards, we have a big picnic with the whole family. Then my cousins and I get together for a paragraph of baseball in the bang yard. My family has a great time when we are all together. Paragraph Four — questions from next slide. We spread blankets on the cool grass and lie down facing the starry sky. Suddenly the night is filled with glory. Fingers of color explode overhead.
Great booms and pops fill the night. We all watch in amazement at the beautiful sight. This method works by the numbers—the Rule of Five and the Rule of Three. You five have five paragraphs, and each paragraph will have a minimum of five sentences. This is the Rule of Five, which is your essay.
The essay will have three points to the argument, each supported by three details. This is the Rule of Three, which is the presentation of your argument.
Each paragraph will have an introductory sentence, three talking points, and a concluding sentence.
This follows the structure for the entire essay. But how do you convert the outline to paragraphs? The outline is a way to quickly get your argument onto paper and collect your thoughts.
Expanding on the bullet points you have given for each paragraph will allow you to introduction case study nursing flesh out your content into paragraphs.
Then just provide an introductory and concluding sentence, and the paragraph is complete. Repeat this process for each paragraph, and the essay will come together quickly. Start with your outline. While the content is still in outline form, convert your bullet points to full sentences.
Add in transitions, paragraph introductions and conclusions, and opening and final thoughts. Remove the outline structure.
Review your essay, and make any needed tweaks. Tips for using this method during a test: