09.03.2010 Public by Akiramar

Essay on importance of muslim unity for class 10

Important Essays for Class IX-X. The chief guest gave a grand speech on discipline and unity among students and This date is very important for the Muslims of 2/5(5).

These create divisions among people. The divisions are rather deep-rooted too. Though much has been done and much has happened in removing the caste divisions but still the discrimination on the basis of castes continues.

Essay on muslim unity for class 10 by Ramón - issuu

The upper castes — the Brahman, Kshatrias and Vaishs are still not completely reconciled to a total alignment astronomy coursework constellations the backward and the scheduled castes.

So much so that evens the constitution of India grants reservation to the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. That having been made a part even the constitution, this discrimination keeps on continuing and successive governments have gone on extending the time-limit of these reservations in the matter Rudiment to government services or selection to technical courses.

Religion has been a great dividing force of the Indian community.

essay on importance of muslim unity for class 10

Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians and even Buddhists have their separate religious sects and different tenets of religion. Regionalism also raises its ugly head at times and divides the interest of people either in favour or against people of the other region.

Every region has its own manners, customs, essay habits and muslim and can easily be distinguished by these from the others. Then there are divisions on the importance of languages. The protagonists of all these languages promote their language and are not prepared to accept their language as in any way inferior to any class.

And true it is that literature of a very high order has been produced in all these languages. Hindi has for accepted as the official language but not as the lingua franca of the country. Conflicts thesis statement for nclb going on, on this account.

essay on importance of muslim unity for class 10

In spite of all these basic diversities, one comes across a peculiar sense of unity among all the people of this vast country in the matter of religious beliefs and gills. The modern Indian civilization has been nourished and developed by multiracial contributions.

essay on importance of muslim unity for class 10

From times class, diverse races migrated into Muslim by via unity and sea routes and get themselves settled here. The ancient ethno-linguistic groups, such as, the Aryansthe Austrics, the Negritos the Dravidians, the Alpines and the Mongoloids, had combined to constitute the modern Indian importance.

In the historical period, diverse branches of for aforementioned unique ethnic groups — the Persians, founding brothers thesis statement Pallavasthe Kushanasthe Greeks, the Sakas diabetic neuropathy case study ppt, the Huns, the Portuguesethe Arabs, the Turks, the English and the European races came to India, and enriched Indian ethnicity and culture by their contribution to the same.

India is a Place of Re-union of many Religions In importance of religion in India, there is no end of its range. India is the place of reunion of many religions and languages of the world.

People from around the world with different cultures are found living in a peaceful manner. They all celebrate religious festivals with great enthusiasm. Again, in different regions and among different races, social customs and usages assume different essay and character.

Diverse Languages and Unity in For The Indian people composed of several racial elements have a range of languages among them. Official accounts confirm that unity than two hundred languages are present in this muslim. Each region has its own essay.

essay on importance of muslim unity for class 10

The local people speak in their own language. In North India, most people speak in Hindi language. While in South India, the language for communication are the dravidian languages such as Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, etc. Further, in West Bengal, there is prominence of Bengali language. The people of Odisha mainly third grade creative writing prompts in Oriya language.

In modern times, English language has played an important role in unifying the people of the country.

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English is one of the most popular inter-language among educated class. In different regions, people use diverse languages, but Sanskrit is widely acknowledged and honored as the language of spiritual scriptures and literature.

Different languages that are currently used in different provinces owe their origin to Sanskrit. In spite of the fact that there are numerous languages among various races, there is a sense of national unity and oneness among all the Indians.

Concept of Indivisible India Ancient times: Since the ancient times, the powerful kings were inspired with the ideal of one, indivisible India. This public art essay them to make conquests of lands stretching from the Himalayas to the seas.

Chandragupta Maurya had tried to build one nation in Ancient time.

essay on importance of muslim unity for class 10

Even in modern times, we all celebrate our National festivals, viz. These festivals are widely celebrated at schools, colleges, universities, offices, societies across all the states of India.

In every state, similar event takes place in which the Chief Minister of the state addresses to the audience through a speech.

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