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Applicants exam a finance degree are encouraged to apply for our specialist Finance Masters programmes. See our full list of International Qualification Equivalencies for all countries. Degrees must be obtained from persuasive essay introduction middle school university or institution recognised by Loughborough University.
Please contact us to clarify if required. English Language Requirements All applicants for exam to Loughborough University must have a qualification in English Language before they can be admitted to any course or programme, whether their first language is English or not.
TOEFL with an overall score of 92, and no sub-test score below 22 See full list of English language qualifications we acceptwith full details on each What you'll study Our Finance and Management MSc programme is designed to provide you with a relevant, practical, applied and integrated curriculum through close coursework with business and commercial organisations and appropriate academic research. Modules The Finance and Management MSc programme covers a wide range of topics; to give you a taster we have expanded on some of the core modules affiliated with this programme and the specific assessment methods associated with each module.
Semester 1 Accounting and Performance Measurement 15 credits This module helps students develop technical and analytical skills in the accounting and financial management areas. Students would benefit from learning about the financial practices coursework business and how these influence other functional areas, such as in performance measurement.
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Foundations of Corporate Finance 15 credits Coursework modules helps students gain a better understanding in the corporate research paper on blood types roles and functions of commercial firms. Students would also benefit from gaining an understanding on issues such as the valuation of firms from the perspective of shareholders.
Human Resource Management 15 credits This module describes the philosophy and principles of Human Resource Management and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of some key exams for managing people. Students would benefit from gaining knowledge on some key contemporary issues in relation to HRM. Students would also have the exam to conduct research using a range of data sources to analyse people management activities in work organisations.
Marketing in the Organisation 15 credits This module examines the principles of marketing, from theoretical and practical perspectives, which enables students to develop understanding of applied marketing and build a solid foundation for tackling future marketing modules.
Optional modules choose one Business Economics This module gives students an overview of the economic theory to explain and analyse the behaviour of consumers, organisations and the economy in general. Students would benefit from learning about how economic theory can be used to help management decision coursework and applying them to real-life situations.
Business Environment Analysis This module introduces students to structured approaches for analysing industries and organisations. Students will learn how to use a range of frameworks for analysing and assessing the effects of the industry environment on firms.
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coursework Business Forecasting This module introduces to students various approaches to Business Forecasting and explores their use in practice with standard packages and tools. Students would benefit from developing skills essential for applying to forecasting methods and in different business situations.
Services and Retail Management This module introduces students to key aspects concerned with services and retail management.
Students would benefit from developing and applying skills in obtaining, analysing and critically evaluating exam from a top creative writing programs canada of sources including publicly available material to help with providing critical insight and critically appraise the way in which this theory coursework be practically applied in the service sector.
Small Business and Entrepreneurship This module introduces students to a range of issues affecting small and medium-sized enterprises. Students would benefit from developing skills to analyse the competitive position and critical success factors of a business, including the effects of government policy and exam of funding.