12.10.2010 Public by Akiramar

Cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed essay

It has been proven that smoking in public places can Page 2 Why Smoking in Public Places Should instead the owners are who decide if smoking is or not allowed.

Neither experience is pleasant, and this is why smoking should be banned in public areas.

cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed essay

Smoking can be dangerous not only for the smoker, but also for those around the smoker. Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death after active smoking and alcoholaccording to the Manitoba Medical Association.

They also say that the smoke contains over 4, chemicals, 50 of which are known to be cancer-related.

Smoking Should be Banned in Public Places

Secondhand smoke has been linked to heart and respiratory disease; lung, breast, cervical, and nasal sinus cancers; strokes and miscarriages. In children, dangers include sudden infant death syndrome, fetal growth impairment, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and middle-ear disease. People who smoke subject themselves to deadly diseases, as well as long- and short-term health problems.

Grupo04 - Smoking should be banned in public places

Non-smokers should not have to live with the consequences of smokers' actions. Not permitting smoking in public areas may help people refrain from smoking.

Ban Smoking in Public Places Essay

Some argue that there would be a significant decline in the clientele in bars and clubs, but non-smokers actually outnumber smokers three to one. A ban could actually increase people going out because nonsmokers would be more comfortable.

cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed essay

There may also be a sudden realization of the dangers of smoking. With the state government taking a stand, it may cause people to take another look at the deadly factors of "cancer sticks.

TOEFL® essay: Smoking not allowed in public places

At a local event a couple years ago, a punk band hired by the anti-drug campaign played songs that included positive images of cigarettes and other drugs in their lyrics. This is not the most efficient way to use money set aside for anti-drug programs. It displaces oxygen from hemoglobin and the result is impairment of the central nervous system, cardiac and pulmonary diseases related to lungs. These may eventually lead to heart attacks. Cigarette also contains ammonia and other hydrocarbons which could cause asthma, other respiratory infections and lung cancer.

Argumentative Essay About Why Smoking Should Be Banned

The dust particles in it may be the cause of irritation of the eyes, cancer, and emphysema. Its nicotine content is highly addictive and reaches the brain immediately.

cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed essay

It constricts the blood vessels, raises the blood pressure and gives the central nervous system a small jolt. It can lead to reproductive disorders in the long run. The people who start smoking at an early age reduces from certain disabilities. Their speed and accuracy to grasp information reduces and it becomes difficult to retain it in their mind. good evaluation essay

cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed essay

Smoking makes adolescents lethargic and slow. And in case of man, it takes 3 years off. They even added that women are more susceptible to the commonest form of lung cancer, Aden-carcinoma.

cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed essay

If a pregnant woman smokes, it is not only harmful for her own health but also for th expected baby. So, when smoking is injurious to health, why do people make it a habit?

Should smoking be banned in public places? | optoch.nl

In a democratic society, people talk about their freedom of life and freedom of liking. But he has no right to disturb others by his smoking.

The smoke from a cigarette is inhaled directly. Of course, the second-hand smoke gets diluted by the time it reaches a non-smoker.

cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed essay

But that does not make it less dangerous. A research study at the University of Zurich in Switzerland reported hat when a non-smoker remains in a smoky room for half an hour, he can gather the same amount of carbon monoxide in his blood as if he had smoker almost equally.

cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed essay

Moreover, full banning on smoking may cause an economic scare for the government. The sales of cigarettes are bound to suffer with such a ban and the government will lose revenue from excise duties. The tobacco industry will face a decline.

cigarette smoking in public places should not be allowed essay

Millions of people working in these industries will be without employment.

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19:01 Kekus:
If there are no non-smoking bars, this suggests that very few people want them.

17:26 Doujora:
Americans have many unhealthy habits. While smokers may argue that it is an addiction, what they cannot answer is that: Many people think that smoking is a sign of coolness but in fact it damages the body.

18:58 Douzil:
When asked if the ban caused owners to lay off employees or cut working hours,

12:49 Kajind:
Smoking Should Be Banned Speech:

19:50 Sagul:
Non-smokers should not have to live with the consequences of smokers' actions.