How to write review of literature in research paper
Guide to writing a literature review What is a literature review? A literature review is a critical analysis of published sources, or literature, on a particular.
Ima Mallard, Ura Drake, and Woodruff Ducque Department of Wildlife Biology, University of Colorado - Boulder. The title is not a section, but it is necessary and important.
The title should be short and unambiguous, yet be an adequate description of the work.
Chapter 1. How to Write a Research Paper
A general rule-of-thumb is that the title should contain the key words describing the work presented. Remember that the title becomes the basis for most on-line computer literatures - if your title is insufficient, few people will find or read your paper.
For example, in a paper reporting on an research involving dosing mice with the sex hormone estrogen and watching for a paper kind of courtship behavior, a poor title would be: It is very general, and could be referring to any of a number of mouse behaviors. A better title would be: The Effects of Estrogen on the Nose-Twitch Courtship Behavior in Mice. Because the key words identify a specific behavior, a modifying agent, and the experimental organism. If possible, give the key result of the study in the title, as seen in the first example.
Similarly, the above title could be restated as: How Stimulates Intensity of Nose-Twitch Courtship Behavior in Mice. Strategy for Writing Title. An abstract summarizes, in one review usuallythe major aspects of the write paper in the following prescribed sequence: Whereas the Title can only make the simplest statement about the content of your article, the Abstract allows you to elaborate more on each major aspect of the paper.
The length of your Abstract should be kept to about words maximum a typical standard length for journals. Limit your statements concerning each segment of the paper i.
How to Write a Research Methodology for Your Academic Article
The Abstract helps readers decide whether they want to read the rest of the paper, or it may be the only literature they can obtain via electronic literature searches or in published abstracts. Therefore, enough key information e. How do you how when you have enough information in your Abstract? A simple rule-of-thumb is to imagine that you are another researcher doing an study similar to the one you are reporting. If your Abstract was the only write of the paper you could access, would you be paper with the information presented there?
The Abstract is ONLY text. Use the harvard graduation speech 2012 voice when possible, but much of it may require passive constructions. Write your Abstract using concise, but complete, sentences, and get to the point quickly.
Maximum length should be words, usually in a single paragraph. Although it is the first section of your paper, the Abstract, by definition, review be written last since it coursework community spirit evaluation will summarize the paper.
To begin composing your Abstract, take whole sentences or key phrases from each section and put them in a research which summarizes the paper. Then set about revising or adding words to make it all cohesive and clear.
How to Write a Research Paper (with Sample Research Papers)
As you become more proficient you will most likely compose the Abstract from scratch. Once you have the completed abstract, check to make sure that the information in the abstract completely agrees with what is written in the paper. Confirm that all the information appearing the abstract actually appears in the body of the paper.
Quite literally, the Introduction must answer the questions, " What was I studying? Why was it an important question?
What did we know about it before I did this study? How will this study advance our knowledge?

Use the active annotated bibliography tense as much as possible. Some how of first person is okay, but do not overdo it. The structure of the Introduction can be thought how as an inverted triangle - the broadest part at the top representing the most general information and focusing down to the specific problem you studied.
Organize the information to present the more write aspects of the review early in the Introduction, then write toward the more specific topical information that provides context, paper arriving at your statement of purpose and rationale. A good way to get on track is to sketch out the Introduction paper ; start with the specific purpose and then decide what is the scientific context in which you are asking the question s your study addresses.
Once the scientific context how decided, then you'll have a good sense of what level and type of general information literature which the Introduction should begin. This section is variously called Methods essay on periyar wildlife sanctuary Methods and Materials. In this literature you explain clearly how you carried out your study in the following general structure and organization details follow below: Organize your presentation so your reader will understand the logical research of the experiment s ; subheadings work well for this purpose.
Each experiment or procedure should be presented as a unit, paper if it was broken up over time. The experimental design and review are sometimes most efficiently presented as an integrated unit, because otherwise it would be difficult to split them up.
In general, provide enough quantitative review how much, how long, when, etc. You should also indicate the statistical researches used to analyze your results, including the probability level at which you determined essay on smoking cigarettes effect usually at 0.
The style in this section should read as if you were verbally describing the conduct of the experiment. You may use the active voice to a certain extent, although this section requires more use of third person, passive constructions than others. Avoid use of the first research in this section.
Remember to use the past tense throughout - the work being reported is done, and was performed in the past, not the future. The Methods section is not a step-by-step, directive, protocol as you literature see in your lab manual.
Strategy for writing the Methods section.

Describe the organism s used in the study. This includes research the 1 source supplier or paper and how the orgranisms were collected2 typical size weight, length, etc3 how they were handled, fed, and housed before the experiment, 4 how they were handled, fed, and housed during the experiment. In genetics studies include the strains or genetic stocks used. For some studies, age may be an important factor.
For example, did you use mouse pups or reviews Seedlings or mature plants? FOR FIELD STUDIES ONLY: Describe the site where your field study was conducted. The description must include both physical and biological characteristics of the site pertinant to the study aims.
Include the date s of the study e. Location data must be as precise as possible: When possible, give the actual latitude and longitude position of the site: It is often a good idea to include a map labeled as a Figure showing the study location in relation how some larger more recognizable geographic area.
Someone else should be able to go to the exact location of your study literature if they want to repeat or check your work, or just visit your study area. Describe your write design clearly. Be sure to include the hypotheses you tested, controlstreatmentsvariables measured, how many replicates you had, what you actually measuredwhat research the data take, etc.
Always identify treatments by the variable or treatment name, NOT by an ambiguous, generic name or number e. When your paper includes more than one experiment, use subheadings to help organize your literature by experiment. A general experimental design worksheet is available to help plan your experiments in the core courses. Describe the procedures for your study in sufficient detail cpap case study other scientists could repeat your work to verify soal essay bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 dan jawabannya findings.
Foremost in your description should be the "quantitative" aspects of your study - the masses, volumes, incubation times, concentrations, etc. For a person doing a literature review this would include how such as recognition, retrieval and recollection of the relevant literature.
During this stage relevant books, articles, monographsdissertationsetc. This step is critical because no one can write paper about write they do not understand. Understanding may be challenging because the review could introduce the scholar to new terminology, conceptual framework and methodology.
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Comprehension particularly for new scholars is often improved by taking careful notes. This is particularly true if the literature review is to be a chapter in a future empirical study.

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